Thrift Store / Op Shop Haul for March 2024

Thrift Store Op Shop Haul for March 2024

Every month I try and bring you the list of movies I found hunting around local thrift stores (op shops).

I was pretty busy with life and illness (it’s turning cold here in Australia) this month, and so I haven’t been able to get out as much, but I did manage to pull into a thrift store which always has some good DVDs to grab.

Thrift Shop Haul for May 2024

I managed to grab 5 movies I didn’t own. And the great thing is they cost only 25 cents each!

Event Horizon, Hard Boiled, and The Core I have seen before, but not for a long time. The others I haven’t seen at all.

Stalag 17 stars William Holden is a 1953 classic by the looks.

The Great Wall isn’t something I would normally be interested in, but for 25 cents, I thought it worth grabbing in case it’s any good. Let me know in the comments below if you like it.

The Hard Boiled DVD has a slip case, but looks to be an overseas copy.

Hard Boiled DVD

By the looks of it, it is in Cantonese, but it has English subtitles, so it is still watchable. And it’s a classic film I need to re-watch.

What have you been picking up in physical media lately? Let me know in the comments below.

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