Time Lapse of Blockbuster Video Stores In The USA

Time Lapse of Blockbuster Video Stores In The USA

This is a great little video of a time lapse covering 33 years of Blockbuster store, chronicling their rise during the 1980s and 90s, and then the start of the collapse in the mid-2000s.

It interesting to see when they started closing store – at around the year 2005. Up until then, they were still increasing the number of stores across the US.

And it is sad to see them with just one store left in 2019, when this video was made.

Even though Blockbuster squeezed out a lot of Mom-and-Pop video stores when they came into the market, it was a shame to see video stores in general decline and eventually vanish (well, almost vanish with a few exceptions).

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